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Casas Alternativas – Curtir a Vida Morando mais Barato

Casas Alternativas – Curtir a Vida Morando mais Barato
Mortgage Free: With an average house price in London exceeding £650,000, Kimberley Marren was able to go mortgage free while spending just a fraction of that on a canal boat, before rolling up her sleeves and tackling the refurbishment by herself

Smooth sailing: Tired of spending thousands each year on rent in the capital, Kimberley (pictured with her partner Maarten Ketels and their daughter Willow) dipped into her savings and embraced a whole new way of life - by living on a barge
“Além disso, sempre fui aventureira e adorava viajar, mas sempre tinha o orçamento limitado porque sabia que precisava pagar aluguel todos os meses.
Um encontro casual com uma garota que vivia no rio e usava a liberdade de não pagar aluguel para investir em seu próprio negócio inspirou a modelo a se dedicar à vida nos canais.
The mother-of-one's ingenuity and have-a-go attitude allowed her to slowly but surely turn the creaking old barge into a beautiful family home with spacious kitchen and living area

“Mas rapidamente percebi que era preciso muito mais trabalho do que imaginava, mas quando você vê algo ficando bonito, começa a ver o barco se transformar e o que pode se tornar você se estimula.”

“Não foi tudo tranquilo, mas o que foi surpreendente foi a quantidade de pessoas que vivem nos canais que pararam para ajudar.”

“As pessoas estavam chegando e me ajudando a colocar a madeira, me mostrando como construir um sofá, trazendo o almoço. Foi incrível e nos canais de Londres, é assim que funciona”

Rising rent prices: After ten years of renting in London, Ms Marren, who still works part-time as a model and actress, realised that buying bricks and mortar in London was just not attainable

Mortgage Free: Ms Marren, who appeared on Sarah Beeny's How To Live Mortgage Free on Ch4, took up home in Hackney on a canal and began the mammoth job - by spending £100 on five pots of paint. But she soon got stuck into the hard graft and built herself an idyllic kitchen

Choppy waters: It wasn't all smooth sailing however, a lack of know how to begin with and not many barge electricians meant Ms Marren had to teach herself as she went along
Coming good: Despite the tough start, Ms Marren was able to bit by bit refurbish the inside of the barge while moving in early in order to save around £1,000 per month on rent costs

Smart moves: Moving in before the work was complete, Ms Marren was able to save on average £1,000 per month on rent which she reinvested into the barge. Plus taking regular yoga classes alongside her modelling and acting work provided another income

More mod cons: Despite costing less than half the average sum for a London mortgage overall, her barge has all the mod-cons including luxury bedding, a living area and two-person shower 
Rolling up her sleeves: After the initial £18,000 outlay, Ms Marren realised there was not much room to pay tradesmen so focused on repairing small jobs while learning how to tackle the bigger ones such as plumbing and electricity
Tackling the big jobs: Thankfully, the mother-of-one's ingenuity and have-a-go attitude allowed her to slowly but surely turn the creaking old barge into a beautiful family home
Inspired choice: Before the house was a home it desperately needed some TLC
Serendipity: A chance encounter with a girl living on the river who used the freedom from rent to invest in her own business inspired Ms Marren to take up life on the canals
More mid stages: The living area in process of being perfected as books line the ledges 
Up-cycling: Using old materials and re-purposing them proved an invaluable option for her
Despite costing less than half the average sum for a London mortgage overall, her barge has all the mod-cons including luxury bedding, a living area and two-person shower

By now she has invested around £32,000 into the barge to really bring the home up to scratch with the newer modcons and luxuries


Pedro Ivo Latini Soffiatti

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